Tuesday, June 30, 2009

postpartum depression

Author: Andrew Bicknell
Postpartum depression or peripartum depression occurs after a woman gives birth. Within a few hours of giving birth the amount of the two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, return to their pre pregnancy levels. Many researchers feel that this drop in hormone levels, much like the smaller changes in hormone levels can affect a womans mood just before her menstrual cycle, is one of the causes of postpartum depression. In some women the levels of thyroid hormones decrease as well. This decrease in these hormones can lead to symptoms of depression too. Some of these symptoms include a depressed mood, a loss of interest in daily things, problems sleeping and fatigue, irritability and weight gain. Another factor that can lead to postpartum depression is genetics. This type of depression can be passed down from mother to daughter.
There is also a correlation between postpartum depression and women who suffer from severe premenstrual syndrome. Postpartum depression is also known as the baby blues and one in ten new mothers suffer from this to one degree or another. In addition to the drastic changes in hormone levels, the presence of a new baby in the house is also a major factor in postpartum depression. A new baby can be a major stress on a new mom and this can factor into becoming depressed. Some of these factors include: Having less free time then before the baby was born and an inability to control the time needed to get things done. The baby demands all the mothers’ attention, leaving little time for herself. Going through labor is extremely stressful and tiring for a new mom. A new mom does not have time to regain her strength post delivery because of the demands and needs of the new baby. Just getting a good nights sleep is nearly impossible with late night feedings and diaper changes. Many new mothers question their own ability to be a good mom. They become overwhelmed with the care the new baby needs and start to worry that they aren't providing the care their baby needs. For new moms, postpartum depression can occur with a feeling that they are no longer who they used to be. Their old schedule and ways of doing things have been replaced by the needs of their new baby. They can also feel like they have to do it all and try to take care of the new baby while doing all the things they used to do. This can be very overwhelming because chances are the care of the new baby will not allow them to accomplish all that they think they should. New moms can also become disconnected from their partner and family. They find that their time is limited and they just don't have time to spend with the rest of their family. For most women the "baby blues" will usually go away as their hormone levels get back to normal. But for some women the depression associated with a new baby does not go away and can steadily get worse. It is very important that women who experience any kind of depression after child birth talk to their doctor right away. Most cases of postpartum depression can be dealt with medication and some counseling.About the Author:

Andrew Bicknell is a writer and owner of http://depression.health-choices-net.com. Visit his website for more information about postpartum depression and depression disorders.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - postpartum depression

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Atypical Depression

Author: Andrew Bicknell
Atypical depression, a subtype of major depression, is the most common form of depression today. People who suffer atypical depression exhibit all the normal symptoms of depression but they also react to external positive experiences in a positive way. Atypical depression sufferers respond to their environment, enjoying the company of friends but slipping back into deep depression when alone or faced with a stressful situation. It is this aspect of atypical depression that differentiates it from melancholic depression in which external positive experiences still result in depressed feelings.
People who suffer from atypical depression also exhibit other symptoms that aren't normally associated with "normal" depression including: • Increase in appetite with a weight gain of ten or more pounds. • Hypersomnia -over sleeping of more than 10 hours per day. • Leaden paralysis of the arms and legs • Long term pattern of sensitivity to rejection in personal situations that causes social or work related withdrawal. In 1998 Dr. Andrew A. Nierenberg, associate director of the depression clinical and research program at Massachusetts General Hospital, published a study that found 42% of participants suffered from atypical depression, 12% had melancholic depression, 14% had both depression subtypes and the remaining did not suffer from depression. Studies have also found that atypical depression begins earlier in a person’s life than other forms of depression with most sufferers beginning to show symptoms in their teenage years. Those who suffer from atypical depression are also at greater risk of suffering from other mental disorders such as social phobias, avoidant personality disorder or body dysmorphic disorder. Atypical depression is more prevalent in females than males as well, with nearly 70% of it's sufferers being women. Treating atypical depression is an ongoing process. Research has shown that MAOIs such as Nardil or Parnate work reasonably well as do the newer SSRI medications (Lexapro, Prozac, Zoloft). Most patients prefer the SSRIs because they do not exhibit the unpleasant side affects of the MAOIs. It is also important that if you or someone you know suffers from atypical depression that you or they seek psychiatric help. Atypical depression is not easy to diagnose the treatment choices can vary from patient to patient. A general care practitioner does not have the expertise to differentiate between the subtypes of depression and may not know the best course of treatment for their patient.About the Author:

Andrew Bicknell is a writer and Webmaster of Depression and You.com. Visit his website for more information about Atypical Depression and other depression disorders.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Atypical Depression

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Depression During Menopause

Author: Andrew Bicknell
As women approach midlife and menopause one of the things to be on the lookout for is depression. While menopause is not thought to be a cause of depression the two can occur at the same time. What is believed to be a cause of depression is changes in estrogen levels which occur during menopause. It is known that women are affected by depression over twice as much as men and that a family history of depression can factor into this as well. The symptoms of depression and menopause are very similar and include sleep disorders, hot flashes, fatigue, anxiety, and irritability. Many women associate these symptoms with the changes that menopause brings, but they may be a sign of depression that needs to be understood and dealt with. There is no reason women need to suffer from depression during menopause.
It is important that they accept the physical changes happening to their bodies during this time and work with their doctor to mitigate the symptoms of menopause, but it is also important that they realize that depression and menopause can be mutually exclusive and both can be dealt with. As women approach menopause their menstrual cycles begin to change and start to become unpredictable. This unpredictability of their monthly cycle is a sign of erratic ovulation. Erratic ovulation causes unpredictable releases of the hormones estrogen and progesterone leading to mood swings, forgetfulness, hot flashes and all the other symptoms associated with menopause. Most women going through menopause feel that they are loosing control of their bodies when in fact it is just their natural reaction to the aging process. This feeling of loss of control can lead to symptoms of depression. As the symptoms of both menopause and depression worsen they start to feel that there is nothing they can do and a feeling of hopelessness falls over them. This feeling of hopelessness is a major part of depression and left untreated can lead to severe depression. Untreated depression is a major health risk. Researchers have found that depression is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and in some cases it can lead to bone deterioration increasing the likely hood of osteoporosis and broken bones. The treatment for depression and menopause can follow a two pronged approach. It is important to treat not only the depression with antidepressant medications and counseling but also to treat the symptoms of menopause as well. Menopause can be treated with hormone replacement therapy where synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone are used to even out the woman's hormone levels. If you are a woman approaching midlife and menopause be aware that depression can be a very real side affect of the changes that will happen to you. If start to see the symptoms of depression it is best to talk to your doctor about what treatment options may work best for you.About the Author:

Andrew Bicknell is a writer and owner of
Depression and You. Visit his website for more information about depression during menopause and depression itself.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Depression During Menopause

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

What Are the Best Muscle Building Exercises - Simple Tips and Advice?

Author: Gen Wright
Are you looking for advices on what are the best muscle building exercises? If you are then you have landed on the right page. Have you ever thought if there is really a proven basis why some trainers and enthusiasts in the fitness industry assume that there are best exercise techniques for developing great muscles? Then how come others who have spent a lot of time, money, and effort for long hours working out in the gymnasium but still nothing can ever be noticed as change in their body? This article will try to point out some basic tips and advices if there is really such a thing as best for building muscles.

If you are searching for exercise effective for gaining muscle mass, you have to turn to squatting and dead lifting. They are proven techniques for this goal and efficient in bringing results at a faster pace compared to other exercises. Why? It has been revealed that these workout techniques have the capability to work out almost 3/4 of your entire musculature. In addition to this information, these powerful two causes more strain and intensity in the muscles pushing them to no other choice but grow at a faster rate. This is the reason why you often see guys doing this as part of their workout routine.

Another exercise that works on bigger muscle groups that are vital if you really want to achieve bigger muscles are those that make use of bench press, overhead presses, barbell rows, and leg presses. This allows you to become stronger, the same strength that you would need to perform better and allow faster healing of strained muscles. If this happens, there is no other option left for the stressed muscles but to develop and grow. It is also crucial that you increase the intensity of the exercise once you notice that your body is getting used to the exercise. One way to find out if you are getting used to it is when you feel that you are not even straining or having difficulty in performing those exercises.

Cardio exercises are some of the most effective workout routines when you are aiming to gain muscle mass. It is effective because performing on it allows the muscles to heal and recover, which is highly beneficial in terms of helping muscles to grow faster. Intensity should also be increased once you notice that you are somehow getting used to the usual routine that you are following. It is wise that you know when to stop in order not to over train. You need to grow muscle not to weaken them.

Now that you have come across with the solution to your question on what are the best muscle building exercises, you should make sure that you follow these simple tips and advices in order to achieve the well-built body that you are hoping for. With your determination and sound performance, you can never go wrong that you work on to find the answer to your query.About the Author:

Want the honest answers to building muscle and getting ripped? All you have to do is click this link: best way to build muscle

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - What Are the Best Muscle Building Exercises - Simple Tips and Advice?

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Best Health Tips - Eat More Fiber and Drink Plenty of Water

Author: Nick Mutt

There are certain rules of diet to be followed in order to have a good health. In this article you will find information about the role of fiber and water in maintaining good health. Fiber is not a nutrient, since it passes through the body undigested. But eating fiber substantially reduces cholesterol and may help lower blood pressure. A high fiber diet may lower the risk of colon cancer and can control sugar levels in diabetics. Fiber may even help you lose weight by filling you up without a lot of calories.

Some common sources of fiber are bread, cereals, brown rice, strawberries, pears and vegetables, especially ones with edible stalks and stems such as broccoli and carrot. Diet rich in fiber fills you up without filling you out, keeps you regular, helps lower your cholesterol level and may help reduce the risk of colon cancer. The nutritionists advocate getting at least 20 grams per day. A breakfast of oatmeal, whole wheat toast, a pear and a banana would give you more than half that amount.

The highest fiber foods are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Water is the most essential of all nutrients. Muscle contains almost three times more water than fat. Water lubricants joints, regulates temperature and provides the body with minerals and essential fluids. The average man should get at least two quarts a day, or about eight glasses, if you are physically active, you could easily need to double that.

Common Rules of Diet for Good Health

1. Keep low the consumption of red meat, primarily beef and lamb and substitute fish and poultry, legumes and grains, nuts and seeds.
2. Avoid excess salts and sugar
3. Substitute low fat milk for whole milk, low fat cheese for high fat cheese.
4. Substitute polyunsaturated margarine and vegetable oils for utter, lard and bacon fat.
5. Eat plenty of fruits, and green leafy, as well as yellow vegetables, raw and cooked.
6. Eat breakfast especially of high fiber foods and fruits.
7. Get seven or eight hours sleep at night
8. Avoid smoking
9. Exercise regularly. Keep weight normal in relation to height.
10. Drink only in moderation (a glass or two of wine or beer per day).

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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About the Author:

Nick Mutt is an active writer and blogger on health related topics. He has published many ebooks on natural health.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Best Health Tips - Eat More Fiber and Drink Plenty of Water

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Get the effective treatment of psoriasis

Author: petersonbran

Psoriasis is a disease of the skin. Psoriasis causes scaling and swelling of the skin. Normally, cells grow deep in the skin, and then slowly rise in about a month’s time, to the surface. This process is called cell turnover. In people with psoriasis, this process will happen in a few days. This causes cells to pile up on the skins surface. Psoriasis causes patches of thick, red skin covered with silvery scales. The patches, also called plaques, can itch or burn. They are often found on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, palms, face and soles of the feet. They can show up on almost any skin site.

With psoriasis, the body is producing skin cells much faster than normal. New skin usually generates and rises to the surface in about thirty days, but for people who have psoriasis, that skin gets pushed to the surface in just three or four days instead. This causes a build up of skin cells which are referred to as plaques or patches of psoriasis, and they're most often seen on the elbows, knees and scalp. Psoriasis plaques can appear anywhere on the body though, including the feet, face and genitals.

Psoriasis flare ups are common when you are weak or tired. Taking a balanced diet while reducing red meats and alcohol will go a long way in helping the skin to maintain a calm milieu interior. Patients should also drink plenty of water and get at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. Do moderate exercises at least 3-4 times every week.

The argument or philosophy that there is no cure for psoriasis is not really true. We need to have an open approach to all systems of medicines for no single system can claim superiority or authority over the others in understanding the complex human system and its problems. There are very effective indigenous systems and natural remedies that could give lasting solution to the problem.

Developing psoriasis does not always give you obvious and unmistakable symptoms, but there are some common psoriasis symptoms that will help you get a better idea as to whether you have this condition or not. If you show symptoms of psoriasis, it's best to speak to your doctor or medical care specialist for an official diagnosis.

Herbal psoriasis treatments also include topical creams, ointments, salves or bath soaks which can help relieve some of the more problematic symptoms of psoriasis. These often include aloe vera to help soften the skin plaques, oatmeal baths which can also soften the skin and help it flake off more, and herbs which are known to be excellent skin healers such as chickweed and comfrey.

Vitamin D reduce skin inflammation and help prevent skin cells from reproducing. Vitamin D analogue that may be used alone to treat mild to moderate psoriasis. There can be substantial variation between individuals in the effectiveness of specific psoriasis treatments. Moisturizers help sooth affected skin and reduce the dryness which accompanies the build-up of skin on psoriatic plaques.

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Read about

High Blood Pressure Supplements
and also know more about

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Get the effective treatment of psoriasis

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Cancer Treatment - Chemotherapy

Author: petersonbran

Chemotherapy is a treatment for cancers that involves administering chemicals into the body that are found toxic to malignant cells. Chemotherapy, often successful in treating malignant cancer cells, often produces intense side effects in the body. According to a review published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, certain types of acupuncture-point stimulation may relieve chemotherapy-induced nausea or vomiting. Despite significant progress over the past decade in controlling chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, more than half of all patients receiving chemotherapy still suffer from these side effects. Furthermore, nausea may persist when vomiting is controlled. These symptoms can be severely debilitating and often lead patients to refuse further courses of chemotherapy. Refusing chemotherapy can minimize the chance for optimal health outcome.

Chemotherapy is a treatment used to treat cancer by using drugs. Usually, it is used after surgery to control growth or reappearance of cancer cells. It is very systematic method in which drugs are entered through the blood stream and travels throughout the body to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is also used in combination that gives better results. You can go through chemotherapy at home, clinic or hospital. Duration of chemotherapy depends on the type, stage and current health of patient that it can be given as daily, weekly, monthly or an on-off schedule.

This site is packed with educational and support information about chemotherapy. An excellent resource for cancer patients as well as their caregivers. You will find information to better understand cancer, articles on treating cancer with chemotherapy as well as other treatment options, facts about chemotherapy side effects, and tools to help you with insurance, support organizations, tracking your test results and more. You can sign up to receive a complimentary one-year subscription to "Women and Cancer" magazine.

The final reason why ovarian cancer chemotherapy is important is because you are giving the medical community a chance to study the best ways of treating the disease. This is especially the case if you are getting ovarian cancer chemotherapy in a clinical trial. Even if you feel your life is 'over,' think about the lives of your daughter, granddaughter or any other women that will survive you. You never know what new facts could be found out by your treatment.

Chemotherapy is used pre-operatively to shrink the tumor, making it easier to remove and surgery less invasive. In a post-operative treatment plan, chemotherapy is almost used as a preventive, to kill any cells which are too small for detection and removal during surgery. Some cancers may not be able to be completely removed during surgery, because of the risk to the patient. In this case, chemotherapy is used, not as a cure, but to reduce the tumor, and thus, the symptoms.

Chemotherapy drugs are powerful medications that attack rapidly growing cancer cells. Unfortunately, these drugs also attack other rapidly growing cells in your body - including those in your hair roots. Chemotherapy hair loss and changes in skin and body can be devastating after effects of cancer treatment.

About the Author:

Read about
Lowering Cholesterol Remedies
and Stress Relief and also know more about Natural Colon Cleansing

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - A Cancer Treatment - Chemotherapy

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Treatments For Plantar Warts

Author: bcured

Plantar warts are warts which are caused by a virus that invades the skin through a microscopic cut or abrasion on the sole of the foot, and then continues to grow inward under the skin. All warts are caused by specific viruses. Planter warts can be caught easily from anybody else who is carrying the HPV. Not everyone who has the HPV has warts. Only a few actually develop planter warts. You get this disease by coming in contact with the skin, towels, socks or shoes of anyone who already had this disease.

Planter warts are named because they always grow on the part of the feet called “plantars”. Planter warts grow in the bottoms of your big toes, the ball of your foot and soles. If you have any kind of scratch on your feet, then the virus has a wide open door to enter the body. Children get planter warts more than adults.

It feels as if something is sticking or rubbing against your feet if you have plantar warts. Other signs of planter warts include itchy, very tender feet that makes putting any pressure on them aggravating. Eventually, the skin on the bottom of your feet will get rough and crusty with little black dots. The pressure of your foot flattens them until they become covered by a callus that sometimes has tiny black dots on the surface. If you continue to walk around and not get the warts treated, they will harden under pressure; the harder they get, the worse they are going to feel.

The good news about planter warts is that they are treatable. There are various forms of treatment that are available for plantar warts, including home remedies, the traditional prescription medicine, the surgical method, the natural plant medicine and so on.

One of the best home remedies for plantar warts involves simply practicing with cleanliness. This means taking a bath often, or at the least just washing your feet often, making sure to scrub and clean as best as you can. You may then want to put a wart removing cream on the plantar wart, in hopes that this will be strong enough to remove it. Depending on how long it has been there, this will generally tell you whether or not you will be able to remove it this way.

Another most commonly used home remedy for plantar warts involves salicylic acid and duct tape. All you have to do here is to buy the salicylic acid at your local drugstore, then put it directly on top of the wart right after you get out of the bathtub or shower, and cover it with duct tape. Once the acid dries, you will see that it will form a hard skin over the wart which is good because it does not rub off like creams often will. Then the next day you want to soak your foot and file down as much as you can off the head of the wart. Usually after a matter of only days the warts will begin to die. You can generally tell when this is happening because the wart will form a dark red to black dot.

Traditionally, warts are classically treated with topical acid. Freezing the tissue w liquid nitrogen is also used. This causes a blister, as the blister heals the wart will hopefully come off at that time. However, these wart treatments are not always successful. “In fact, warts may recur after treatment because of activation of latent virus present in healthy skin adjacent to the lesion. Most patients with warts require multiple treatments over a course of several weeks or months. If substantial improvements have not occurred after 3 physician-administered treatments or if complete clearance has not occurred after 6 treatments, a different treatment modality should be used. All medicines used to treat HPV disease are applied topically on cutaneous surfaces. Local skin reactions and pain are common adverse effects.” As noted on WebMd by Dr Peter A Gearhart, Staff Physician, Department of Obstetrics at the Pennsylvania Hospital.

Treatment can often be done in a doctor or podiatrist office. You usually have to take a test to make sure you have plantar warts and not something else, and then the warts are surgically removed. Firstly, the podiatrist would paint a freezing numbing agent on your feet and swiftly set to work. It should be all done before the anesthesia wears off. After that, you may have to use crutches for a few weeks. However, once surgical intervention or chemical acids are used one can expect a scar in that area.

There are a number of treatments for plantar warts but you may need to try out a few different things before you find one that actually works for you. If nothing seems to be working then you may have to opt for something more serious. At this point you may try CURED's all natural wart treatment -- WartCure; this all natural topical treatment exhibits a rather broad spectrum of action of against HPV, the virus causing warts, meaning that it kills HPV and when used as directed and provides a curative effect against warts. To learn more about the beauty of this treatment, please go to CURED's website http://www.bcured.net.

About the Author:

staff of Nature Power Company, which is a network company dedicated to promoting customers' websites and developing softwares. You can go to the following websites to learn more about our natural organic products. http://www.bcured.net http://www.naturespharma.org

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Treatments For Plantar Warts

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Trying Alternative Treatments For Depression

Author: Diana Ketchen

Whether you or someone you love is afflicted by depression, you'll find that this can be a difficult issue to live with. Everything gets harder, it seems like everything takes longer and in many cases, it can feel like there is no solution. Oftentimes, when people have depression, it is difficult to remember that there was a time when anything was ever better. The truth is that there are many alternative treatments for depression and with effort and a lot of attention to yourself and your situation you can improve your depression dramatically, and purely by natural methods!

When you are looking at depression alternatives , no matter what method you are using, you need to identify the causes and triggers of your depression. In many cases, people can be triggered into a depressive state through an event or even through something like a lack of light. No matter what triggers your depression, you need to figure it out and to think about what you can do to mitigate this. Even if it is something like going to work, there are things that you can do to control the situation. A sense of control is essential when you are looking to deal with depression.

Similarly, you should also remember that good food and exercise are alternative treatments for depression and can help a great deal. For instance, through avoiding refined sugars, you can avoid the "crash" that happens after the sugar is processed out of your system. This crash can be a real problem if you are already feeling poorly. Similarly, exercise can help you relieve stress and it can get your endorphins going. Your endorphins are a natural pain reliever and many people believe that this pertains to emotional as well as physical pain. Similarly, exercise will give you a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of control over your body.

If you suffer from depression, it is very easy to let things go. You might start avoiding friends or social situations, and if it gets severe enough, you might even start avoiding work or leaving the house. It is of vital importance that you keep track of your own life and your own habits. What activities are you prone to when you are depressed and what are the measures that you can take when you are looking at alternative treatments for depression for coping with your depression?

When you are looking for herbal remedies, as depression alternatives, that let you deal with depression, there are quite a few of them out there. St. John's Wort, for instance, is known to be good for people who are suffering from anxiety and depression, and it is believed to work the best when it is combined with passion flower extract. You can get both of these supplements from any health food store. If you try them, make sure that you keep track of your mood and see what kind of improvements or changes that you notice.

Depression is a serious issue, but whether you have only experienced it once or twice in your life or it is an ongoing issue that you are dealing with, there are still many alternative treatments for depression that might be worthwhile for you to look in to.

About the Author:

Diana is a Natural Health Consultant and is currently taking classes to earn a certificate in herbalism. Her website, Natural Health and Herbal Remedies, offers the knowledge, insights and experiences she has gained from her journey into the world of natural health and her quest to share it with others. Get your Free Ebook about natural remedies for anxiety and depression.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Trying Alternative Treatments For Depression

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Amazing Amalaki - The Primary Source of the Power of Zrii

Author: Gen Wright
Zrii, the newest health product breakthrough in the market today, is mainly made up of amalaki. The amalaki has a lot of properties that make Zrii a very healthy nutritional drink that can truly improve the well-being of the body.

Amalaki is the fruit of the Indian gooseberry tree which grows in the Himalayas. The amalaki is an almost-spherical fruit that is light greenish yellow in color and is hard and smooth. It has a taste that is sour as well as bitter and astringent. This contributes to the vibrant taste of Zrii, which is said to "enliven the tongue". In ancient Ayurvedic practices, from which the formulation of Zrii has been taken from, any food or drink that can "enliven the tongue" has healing capabilities.

The amalaki is harvested using an ancient technique which is called wildcrafting. The fruit is hand-picked and combined with other ingredients including ginger, turmeric, tulsi, schizandra, haritaki and jujube, which are all naturally processed to create the nutritional drink Zrii.

Before being discovered by the modern world, the amalaki has been used for a wide range of traditional uses. Whether it was fresh or dried, believers of the ancient practice Ayurveda made use of the fruit in many herbal preparations. They did not only use the fruit but also the seeds, leaves, as well as the root, bark and flowers of the amalaki or Indian gooseberry tree. The herbal preparations that were made using amalaki were used in: enhancing digestion; treating constipation; reducing fever; promoting vitality; purifying the blood; relieving cough and asthma; curing colds; strengthening the heart; stimulating hair growth; and enhancing the capabilities of the brain. Amalaki has also been used to make shampoos and hair oils and even inks and fabric dyes.

Today, a lot of research and studies have been conducted on the amalaki or the Indian gooseberry. These extensive studies have shown that the fruit has numerous antiviral and antimicrobial properties, along with other properties that can help in improving the overall health condition of the body.

Scientists and nutritionists have studied that the amalaki has a lot of nutrients and vitamins which include: phytonutrients, polyphenols, antioxidants, ellagic acid, gallic acid, flavonoids, amino acids, kaempferol, emblicanin, bioflavonoids, tannis, rutin, quercetin, ascorbagins and other trace minerals. These have all been studied to have many benefits including: treatment of osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis; prevention and treatment of various diseases, including heart disease and cancer; lowering of cholesterol levels and blood pressure; detoxification; cell regeneration and renewal; promotion of weight loss; and boosting of energy and vitality.

The amalaki is truly an amazing fruit which makes Zrii an astounding health product that can definitely help in improving the health of your mind, body and spirit.About the Author:

Find out more information on zrii and other health supplements like efusjon today.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - The Amazing Amalaki - The Primary Source of the Power of Zrii

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Resveratrol Red Wine Supplements - Live Longer and Better

Author: Gen Wright
We humans would love to live for ever. In fact all of us would love to preserve our youth and vibrancy for as long as possible. These days there are millions of drugs, supplements and pills which promise to halt aging and related problems. However, most of them are riddled with side effects and a part of quick money making schemes. So, what helps in preventing aging related problems? The answer is resveratrol, a compound found in red grapes, red wine and peanuts.

Resveratrol is the reason why French even after eating a diet laden with fats are said to be one of the healthiest people in the world. French love to drink red wine with every meal and that's the reason why they despite having such a fatty diet have minimal cholesterol and other problems.

Chemically speaking resveratrol is a polyphenol derivative. This chemical occurs naturally in the skin and roots of many plants and helps in protecting them against infections and invasions by various bacteria and virus. Though resveratrol occurs in almost all kinds of plants in miniscule quantities, it is particularly found in large quantities in the root of Japanese Knotweed and Muscadine. Resveratrol has antioxidant properties which can help in cleansing your arteries from all the plaque and debris which accumulates from the metobolization and intake of fats and cholesterol laden food. Healthy and clean arteries help in enhancing the functioning of the heart and help in healthy and proper blood circulation.

A number of researches and studies were conducted all over the world and people from Okinawa and Sardinia were observed since they consumed a high quantity of resveratrol containing products. The studies led scientists to believe that resveratrol can help in enhancing the life span and health in humans. People from Sardinia have a lot of red wine in their meals. As a result many men in this community live for more than 100 years which is why this community also holds the male centenarian world record. Here ninety year old males work like youngsters due to their daily intake of red wine.

However, the red wine that will produce such effects needs to have resveratrol in high quantities which is not really possible in the west. This is because most crops are bathed in insecticides and pesticides in the west. This inhibits the growth of resveratrol. Hence if the benefits of resveratrol supplements are to be enjoyed then organic wine is the best bet.

Okinawa has people who live way beyond the standard 70 or 80 years of age. This is because their diet consists of knotweed which is a substance rich in resveratrol. In fact the residents of this place also have fewer incidences of heart problems and cancer due to their resveratrol rich diet.

Hence, resveratrol helps in enhancing the circulatory system, preventing cancer and other diseases and also enhancing the quality of life and the life span. It may not be a miracle drug but it certainly helps in leading a healthy life.About the Author:

Find out more about resveratrol and how resveratrol supplements can help with so many health benefits.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Resveratrol Red Wine Supplements - Live Longer and Better

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Acai Berry Juice - The Best Supplement For Weight Loss

Author: Gen Wright
With all the weight loss products and supplements in the market today, what makes the acai berry the best? There are companies which swear by green tea extract or mangosteen as the best ingredients for weight loss and health supplements. There are those that suggest some other fruits are better in helping burn fat faster through increasing the body's metabolism.

For many centuries, many types of natural fruits and extracts have been used by different civilizations for sustenance and survival. A lot have made use of green tea extract, a plant extract that has polyphenols, which has antioxidant properties and ingredients which boost the body's metabolism. In this aspect, it is very similar to the acai berry. However, the acai berry does not only contain polyphenols. It also has high levels of antioxidants along with other essential nutrients, which gave the acai berry the name "wonder berry" and "super food".

The acai berry also has a lot of essential fatty acids such as omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9, which boosts the body's metabolism. When the metabolic rate of the body is increased, it facilitates the quicker burning of stored fat. It is also low in calories, making the consumer feel full longer, preventing overeating and bingeing. Through the antioxidants it has, toxins are also flushed out of the body, which is helpful for weight loss as well. However, it does not end with just getting rid of the fat and the toxins. The amazon acai berry would also be useful in ensuring that the body would have all the nutrients that it needs to function properly.

Aside from being an effective weight loss supplement, the acai berry offers a wide range of other benefits. It lowers the levels of cholesterol in the body and it lowers blood pressure, preventing strokes, heart attacks and other chronic cardiovascular diseases. It also strengthens the immune system of the body, lessening the chances of getting ill with viral infections such as the common cold and flu, which are very common today. It has also been said that it could reverse diabetes, along with other chronic illnesses. There have also been studies which have shown that acai berries can provide the body with an energy boost, making you feel energized and alert. It also helps in eliminating and preventing the signs of aging.

Amazon Thunder offers acai berry products such as purees, juices, powders, pulps and capsules. You can try any one of those and add it to your weight loss plan or diet and you should be able to see results eventually. However, keep in mind that drinking acai berry pulp juice to burn all the fat and calories in your body is not enough to lose weight naturally. You would also need to make sure that you are eating right, avoiding junk food and other bad food choices. Along with a good and balanced diet, you would also have to make sure that you are exercising regularly. By taking all these steps, the road to weight loss would be an easy one to take.About the Author:

Learn more about acai products and how Amazon Thunder acai berry juice can help you today.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Acai Berry Juice - The Best Supplement For Weight Loss

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Drink Xango Juice Today and Be the Healthiest You Can Be

Author: Gen Wright
If you want to try a health product or supplement in the market today, then you might as well go for Xango juice. Xango is a blended juice product which is primarily made with mangosteen. It has been introduced into the market by the company XanGo, LLC in 2002. It is mainly used as a nutritional supplement and a skin care product.

Aside from mangosteen, Xango juice also has juice concentrates of other fruits like apple, pear, grape, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, cranberry and cherry. Some of the other additives of the juice are citric acid, pectin, sodium benzoate xanthan gum, and potassium sorbate. Today, Xango is considered to be one of the leading nutritional products among the health-conscious.

Although there many ingredients found in Xango, the mangosteen is its main ingredient and is the one which offers the most health benefits. The mangosteen fruit has actually been referred to as the "Queen of Fruits," as it said that Queen Victoria of England immediately loved the fruit when she tried it, declaring it as her favorite fruit. According to the story, she even offered knighthood to anyone who would be able to bring her some mangosteen.

The mangosteen grows on mangosteen trees which grow in several countries in Southeast Asia. However, it would require a bit of patience in order to harvest fruit from a tree. The mangosteen tree would only be able to yield fruit when it is about seven to twelve years old. It can yield up to 60 fruits at one time. The number of mangosteen fruits would increase eventually, though, as it would be able to yield about 1600 fruits twice a year once the tree is 22 years old. The mangosteen fruit is spherical which is reddish purple in color and is about the size of a small orange or a large plum. It has a thick rind and has around five to seven lobed edible pieces inside. The fruit has been known to have a lot of phytonutrients and antioxidants.

As for the taste of the mangosteen fruit, it has been described by Gourmet magazine in 2003 to have an exquisite flavor. The fruit itself is sweet and delicious. However, it is the pericarp of the fruit which is added into Xango juice. The pericarp is slightly bitter, which is the reason why some fruit juices are added to naturally sweeten Xango.

The mangosteen has been compared to the many other "superfoods" today such as the acai berry and there have been studies which suggested that the mangosteen was actually better as a nutritional supplement. The mangosteen in Xango juice: fights off free radicals; gets rid of harmful oxidants and toxins in the body; strengthens an individual's immune system; prevents certain cancers; aids in cell regeneration; gets rid off and prevents the signs of aging; improves the overall condition of the body; lowers the risk of certain diseases; lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure; and helps in preventing strokes and heart attacks.

Today, you can readily purchase Xango juice for a reasonable price. However, make sure that you would be buying from a reputable distributor or company to ensure that you would be getting the real thing. By drinking a glass of Xango juice today, you can easily ward off diseases and improve the efficiency of the systems of your body.About the Author:

Learn more about health supplements like xango and acai berry juice today and see how they can help improve your health.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Drink Xango Juice Today and Be the Healthiest You Can Be

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

High Quality Amazon Thunder Acai Berry Products and Their Health Benefits

Author: Gen Wright
There has been a lot of buzz about the acai berry and the wonders that it can do to the body. It has a lot of powerful antioxidants which is almost thirty times more than red wine about twice more than other berries such as blueberries. Aside from the high levels of antioxidants, it also has fiber, essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 and 9 and proteins, which all contribute in providing the myriad of benefits from eating or drinking acai berry products.

From the moment it was discovered, the acai berry has been featured in the media, including the newspapers and magazines. You can also find information about it online. A lot of companies started offering acai berry products, making it difficult for those who are interested to try the product to determine which of them would be the best to take. Unfortunately, there are some companies who sell acai berry products which have already been diluted in a lot of added ingredients such as sugar and syrup and cornstarch. One of the leading manufacturers of acai berry products would be Amazon Thunder.

Amazon Thunder started to sell acai supplements back in 2005 and have been providing quality health supplements and products to satisfied customers since then. They guarantee that their products are made with a hundred percent pure acai berry pulp which is taken from certified kosher and organic acai berries harvested from the rainforests of Brazil. You can choose from their acai berry puree, powder and capsules.

Here are some of the health benefits of the acai berry.

1. The acai berry can help in strengthening the immune system through improving lymphocyte activity using the high levels of vitamin C and beta-sitosterol that it has.

2. It is also useful in fighting free radicals and getting rid of toxins through its many natural detoxifying agents.

3. Through the essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 and 9 that it has, the body's metabolic rate is increased, facilitating faster burning of stored fat. This is the reason why many people make use of it as weight loss supplement.

4. Its essential fatty acids also promote cell and muscle regeneration.

5. Acai also has more protein compared to the average egg, which provides the body with energy and natural lipids needed by the body's hormones and body tissues to develop properly.

6. With the vitamins that it has, it can also slow down the effects of aging. With regular use, you would feel rejuvenated and have a youthful appearance.

7. The amazon berry also has a high concentration of potent polyphenols which gives the acai the advantage over the other fruits that have antioxidants. It has cyanidin-3-glucoside and antho-cyanin which improve the nitric oxide production in endothelial cells, allowing blood vessel walls to expand and relax to promote continuous and increased blood flow.

8. The acai berry also has a lot of dietary fiber which aids the process of digestion. It also strengthens the colon and the intestines. It has also been studied to help in protecting and repairing the lower esophagus which has been damaged by acid reflux. Regular intake of acai berries helps in killing bad bacteria, parasites and fungi. It also aids in the efficient absorption of nutrients through the prevention of any damage on the small intestine wall.

9. Those with diabetes can also choose to drink acai juice as doing so can help in controlling appetite and delaying hunger. The acai berry also has a low glycemic index, improving the body's glucose and lipid levels.

Amazon thunder ensures it customers that they would be getting all of these benefits of the amazon berry and more through the products that they are offering. All of their acai products are made using freeze-dried pulp of acai berries picked from the acai palm trees in Brazil and then processed in the FDA and USDA certified facilities in the US. Their products are certified kosher and organic and made with pure acai pulp.About the Author:

Find out more about acai berry products and how this amazing superfood has so many health benefits that make acai juice a great supplement.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - High Quality Amazon Thunder Acai Berry Products and Their Health Benefits

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to Lose Weight Fast - It's All In Your Diet

Author: Gen Wright
Your weight loss diet helps your program to be successful. If you get your diet wrong, it may jeopardize your efforts, and your weight loss program may fail. To prevent failure, detailed planning for your diet may be required. A common approach looks something like this.
The first step to take, is to have clearly defined goals. More specifically, you should already be clear about how many pounds you are going to lose, and how much time you give yourself. Set realistic goals.
Then start working backwards to determine how you can achieve those goals. It's a simple numbers game at this stage. If you burn more calories than you take in, you are going to lose weight. Continue to work hard and keep the pounds at bay. Always remember that.
Make up a list of foods that you like to take. Do whatever you can to find out the calories for each type of food on your list. Add up the numbers and find out how much calories you are taking in each day. It also make more sense to take smaller meals, but in higher frequency. As an illustration, take 5 meals per day instead of 3 big meals.
Make sure that you include lots of fruits, vegetables, and poultry in your diet list.
Your diet is central to your entire weight loss program. Many want to lose weight successfully, but they don't know what a good weight loss diet looks like. How about a low GI diet? Such questions are swimming in their head, and they have no idea what they should do.
First, I must mention that to choose the right weight loss diet, there are several issues that you must consider. Don't just consider the amount of calories in your diet. There is more. Different people need different diets, and here's why.
We all need different energy levels each day. For example, some people do not exercise at all. Then there are those who exercise once in a while. Some exercise almost everyday. With different lifestyles come different diet plans. This is to cater to the diverse needs of various lifestyles.
You would be considered successful if you can work out what you need to eat to lose weight, while at the same time, stay healthy. Try to take in at least 2000 calories each day. So your diet plan cannot go way below this number. Taking less than that will affect your health adversely. In other words, it's not a good diet plan.
Instead, it would be wise to plan based on your own daily needs. If you are taking 2000 calories a day, try aiming for 1900 calories a day. Still, nothing beats a good workout to burn off all those unwanted calories. This way, your muscles get a good workout, and you lose weight too.
Something interesting is happening here.
There are only so much calories you can scrap off your diet. In other words, you would be better off trying to burn off fats than to just cut away the intake.About the Author:
How Lose Weight - Read more on Weight Loss Diet.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - How to Lose Weight Fast - It's All In Your Diet

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Lap Band Surgery Diet

Author: naturalremedies
For those individuals who have undergone Lap-Band surgery or are thinking of having the Lap-Band surgery performed, there are a few things that one should know when it comes to diet and nutrition guidelines for these types of patients. Many people may think that once the surgery is performed the individual who has had it done can go about their day eating anything they so desire but this is not the case. Lap-Band patients need to follow certain diet and nutrition guidelines once the Lap-Band is in place. The following paragraphs will describe some of this diet and nutrition plans which should be followed by Lap Band Surgery patients.

The foods you eat and your eating behaviors will change after lap band surgery. Lap band patients will learn to make healthy food choices, eat only three small meals a day, eat slowly and chew foods thoroughly, limit snacking, and avoid high fat and high sugar foods.

Your diet will start to change before lap band surgery with your pre-op diet. Your doctor will put you on a special diet to get your body ready for surgery. After surgery, your diet will progress from liquids to soft foods until you are able to eat solid foods over the six week recovery period. It is important to follow your doctor's nutritional guidelines and food recommendations to get the most out of your lap band and maximize weight loss.

Foods to Avoid:

• Sugar and sugary foods, including: high-calorie soft drinks, syrups, honey, jelly, jam, cakes, cookies, candy, ice-cream.

• High-fat foods, including: chocolate, chips, pies, pastries, ice-cream, bacon, sausage, fried foods, cream soups, cream sauces.

• High-calorie drinks, such as milkshakes, soda, beer, orange juice, apple juice, other fruit juices, whole milk.

• Starchy and white flour foods, such as pasta, rice, and doughy breads.

• Fats such as butter or oil should be restricted to 3 to 4 teaspoons per day.

• Carbonated beverages - carbonated drinks (such as soda, carbonated water, champagne) can increase the size of the pouch and cause discomfort.

• Fibrous foods - fibrous foods (such as asparagus, celery, corn, dried fruit, oranges, pineapples, sweet potatoes) can get stuck in the stoma (stomach opening created with LAP-BAND®).

• Other problematic foods include nuts, popcorn, skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables, and tough meats such as steak, pork chops, and hamburger.

How to Eat Food:

One should eat slowly by making tiny bites. The new stomach is a baby stomach. It requires to take protein shakes and relearning of eating skills like a new baby learns to eat. Adding new foods should be slow in process.

The patient needs to make a habit to chew foods well. It will do the patient a world of good to cut the food items to small pieces and then chew it thoroughly. Otherwise complications will happen such as vomiting, stomach irritation and swelling and stoma obstruction.

One should go back to liquid diet if solid foods cause nausea and vomiting. Drinking of 6-8 cups of water per day between meals will keep one hydrated throughout the day. Three small meals a day with adequate nutrients is to be eaten. The stomach can only hold about 1/4 cup of food at a time. Easting has to be stopped when the hunger is gone.
About the Author:
Read About Quick Weight Loss also Read about Lap Band Surgery Diet and Laxatives for Weight Loss
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Lap Band Surgery Diet

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Laxatives for Weight Loss

Author: naturalremedies
A lot of people on earth are trying to lose their weight and they do not choose the method for doing this. Some of them are using the laxatives in order to achieve a lower weight.

Using the laxatives in order to lose weight can harm your organism and when you re using them there a lot of bad side effects for you body. Using the laxatives you actually are loosing your water which is needed in your body. Yes, this can slightly to decrease your weight but total outfit of your body will remain same.

Taking the laxatives in order to loose the weight is pointless because as I said they are soaking up all fluids in your organism. They have not any effect on the fats which are your really weight. As you know all these fats are made by the carbohydrates. When we are eating all of these for the body necessary elements are taken regardless of that we are using the laxatives or not.

What Do Laxatives Do?

The laxatives increase the bowel activity, and with this feature, they do not allow the large intestine to absorb food where most of the food content gets absorbed. Just to list a fact, the food does not get absorbed in the small intestines. It is also known that if the laxatives are taken in large amounts for a greater period of time, they affect the absorption of the fats in the body. This leads to greasy diarrhea and this in turn results in weight loss.

Side Effects of Laxatives:

Weight loss is guaranteed by overdosing on laxatives, but the major thing that must be seen is the side effects that it causes, which is that it causes permanent damage to the GI Tract and it also causes the weakening and softening of the bones, and this is known as osteomalacia. Drinker’s tea has the most popularity since it tastes good and is less expensive than the rest of the medicines available in the market. People who are suffering from the eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa are the ones who use to achieve rapid weight loss and they use it because it works fast and produces watery stools that are loose in consistency.

These products are mostly misused and the adverse effects that these products give are mostly when they are taken in more than recommended dose. These side effects include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding, electrolyte disorder and dehydration as well and this can lead to injury and death of the individual as well. It is also noted that the excessive use of laxatives also cause severe constipation and pain for increased periods of time, which can result ultimately in surgery and removal of the large colon.

The laxatives cannot help you to get rid of your fat or of your weight. All calories taken by the food are absorbed by the body and the aim of the laxatives is to stimulate the bowel to empty and also in order to throw out from the body all unnecessary toxics taken with the food. When the calories are taken, they are stored in the body for further use and this means additional weight. This also can mean a lack of fluids.
About the Author:
Read About Quick Weight Loss also Read about Lap Band Surgery Diet and Laxatives for Weight Loss
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Laxatives for Weight Loss


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Restless Legs Syndrome: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know?

Author: Nelson Mane
If you have restless legs syndrome (RLS), you know how emotionally and physically aggravating it can be. Annoyingly, this terrible affliction can rob you of your sleep and keep you awake long after you should have fallen into a peaceful night slumber. Those creepy crawly compulsive leg movements affect not only your nights but extends throughout your entire life. Loss of your precious sleep decreases your enjoyment of life and affects not only your nights but your waking hours also because you are tired, cranky and struggle to stay conscious. You can’t even focus throughout the day exhausted from lack of sleep. The tormenting twitching and need to kick your legs affects not only you but your spouse also. Either your spouse has moved to the couch or you have.
Likely, your doctor has prescribed you Mirapex or Requip for your restless leg syndrome (RLS.) These medications don’t work for everyone and may have unpleasant side effects. The most common Mirapex side effects are nausea sleeplessness, constipation, involuntary movement, dizziness upon standing and hallucinations.
You've may have tried liniments, herbal remedies, acupuncture, and special teas to no avail. So what causes restless leg syndrome (RLS). The cause of restless leg syndrome is unknown but let’s see if by looking at conditions associated with restless legs syndrome we can find a common factor and clue as to its cause.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke states some conditions associated with restless legs syndrome (RLS) are pregnancy, obesity, smoking, iron deficiency anemia, hypothyroidism, and kidney disease. Caffeine and alcohol have also been associated with restless legs syndrome (RLS.)
Hypoxia is where the body or part of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen. Iron deficiency anemia is where there is a lack of iron. Iron is an important part of hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood. A lack of oxygen is again, hypoxia.
In pregnancy there is almost a 50% increase in blood for the baby. Many times there is not enough iron available to keep up with this increased need and therefore approximately 20% of women end up with anemia. Anemia equals hypoxia.
There is also an association between obesity and hypoxia although it is not well understood. Do I need to tell you that smoking can cause hypoxia?
Iron deficiency anemia is also more common with hypothyroidism. Kidney disease and patients on dialysis are also carefully evaluated for, you guessed it anemia.
Did you know that the use of coffee and tea (caffeine) reduces the non heme iron absorption of a meal by approximately 50% and thereby once again causes anemia.
Alcohol in addition to being associated with anemia can cause clumping up of erythrocytes (red blood cells.) As the blood vessel get smaller and smaller the red blood cells can clog up and thereby cause a diminished oxygen delivery to the cells (hypoxia.)
Well, we have looked at several conditions or factors that can cause anemia and thereby cause hypoxia. Is there any scientific literature to more directly to support the issue of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and hypoxia.
An article entitled “Outcome of restless legs severity after continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) treatment in patients affected by the association of RLS and obstructive sleep apneas” from Sleep Medicine April 2006 concludes: Our findings suggest that not only fatigue and sleepiness but also the severity of RLS show a favorable response to CPAP in the group of patients with OSAS and RLS.
CPAP stands for continuous passive air pressure and OSAS stands for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Although a CPAP machine does not produce oxygen enriched air, it does produce more oxygen than not getting enough air of any kind at all as in the case of sleep apnea.
Here RLS is seen more frequently with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD (HYPOXIA?)
A Sleep Medicine November 2008 article entitled “Increased frequency of restless legs syndrome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients” concludes: RLS is a frequent cause of disabling sleep disturbance in patients with COPD and should be specifically investigated in these patients. This time from the Canadian journal of neurological science July 2008. Conclusion: we conclude that RLS is frequent in COPD, particularly in patients with severe hypoxemia/hypercapnia and in late stages of the disease. Hypoxemia is low oxygen in the blood.
One more time! Sleep Medicine November 2008. Conclusions: RLS is a frequent cause of disabling sleep disturbance in patients with COPD and should be specifically investigated in these patients.
How about lung transplant patients do you suppose they might be oxygen deficient? Journal of Heart Lung Transplant January 2007. Conclusion: There was a very high prevalence of RLS in our lung transplant population and most patients had moderate or severe symptoms.
Although the exact cause of restless legs syndrome (RLS has not been found I think the above has made the case for at best an association between hypoxia and restless legs syndrome (RLS.)
In my office we attempt to address all neurologic conditions with our Neuron Fuel Program, which includes supporting the nervous system with oxygen.
  1. He has additional sub-specialty training in electro diagnosis, vestibular disorders and CNBD. He is one of the few chiropractors in the country board certified in both chiropractic neurology and chiropractic orthopedics. In 1989 he was one af 11 doctors out of 60,000 chosen by the American Chiropractic Association to start the first Chiropractic Neurology Board.
For information regarding the oxygen concentrator that Dr. Mane recommends visit www.neuronfuel.com.
To learn more about Dr. Mane, D.C., P.A. and his practice go to www.manecenter.com.
About the Author:
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Restless Legs Syndrome: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know?

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Resveratrol & Anti Aging Pills - How it Works

Life is much enjoyable in the teenage days and we get pleasure by involving in various activities like eating all the stuffs that we desire, smoke, abuse alcohol etc and make the body health to deteriorate slowly. By the time we reach 30 years these entire factors will have their consequences of hazardous diseases in us. So people realize the importance of maintaining their fitness only after such outcomes. To overcome the anti-aging problems science has endowed us with plenty of anti-aging pills to satisfy the human needs.

resveratrol pills are much effective in delaying aging process and as well controlling several harmful diseases like cardiovascular problems, Alzheimer's disease, cancers, diabetes, hypertension etc. These pills are useful to maintain the overall health of the body by organizing proper functioning of the body systems. Anti-aging pills burns the extra calories and keep the skin tight and fit thus offering beautiful shape to the body. A person consuming these pills will get better sleep and reduce his routine stress and revive his energy.

Anti-aging pills also aid in curing other symptoms of aging like wrinkles, infirmity, weak bones, mood swings, loss of sexual urge and lack of involvement by motivating the workability of growth hormones. The stimulation of growth hormone is enhanced by these pills is vital for both psychological and mental development of a person.

In today's market there are numerous anti aging pills branded by various companies are accessible. It is very much advisable for us to consult with our doctor before making purchase of these pills to know properly about the dosage and combination. Most of the marketed pills advertise to have 100% result on the customers, so we need to have some enquires and reviews regarding the quality anti aging pills to avoid any side effects. Some of the popular and fine featured pills are from Reseveratrol, Regenisis, GenFX, Pharmia FDA, etc. In addition to these there are several herbal formulated anti-aging pills are available which can aid in a natural way to make us remain young and gorgeous.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Buy Purelift Cream

One of the problems that makes your face crisp and lead to wrinkles is…stress! It's good to avoid situations that causes you stress. For example, if you feel stressed because of certain people or places, you should avoid them if it is possible. Sometimes it is necessary to make changes in your life.

These changes will help you to cut back stress and you will discover a new found energy and zest for life. It's really necessary to remain as tranquil as possible, avoid situations that gives you stress and keep in mind to breathe deeply! You can help to minimize wrinkles, when you reduce the stress in your life. There are numerous ways to reduce stress:

* You can take a deep breath, hold it for ten seconds and let go. Repeat this several times until you feel serener.
* You can take a warm comfortable bubble bath.
* You can light some candles, put on some comforting music and sit back for a while.
* Sit in a comfortable chair and relax each muscle. It's more well-to-do to start with your feet, rise your legs, to your stomach, chest, arms, shoulders, neck and up through your face.

Water is also a wonderful way to keep your body and skin healthy. Water helps you to clean your body from all the toxins and it will as well help to keep diseases away. Drink leastwise eight glasses of water per day, this is commended. But this can be different for each person, because it depends on your daily activities. You don't need that much water if you don't sweat often. Your doctor can look at your life style, daily activities etcetera and after that he can tell you how many glasses of water you should drink per day. Drinking sufficient water each day is very fundamental, because you are giving your body the possibility to clean all the toxins that can lead to feeling sick or having your skin dry out. To keep your body healthy and hydrated, water is needful.

Not everyone is used to drink so much water. When this is the case you shouldn't rush, just take your time to slowly work up to eight glasses a day. It's more well-to-do to start with drinking 1 glass a day. Every few days you can add another glass of water, until you can drink eight glasses a day. Umpteen people simply don't want to drink water. Instead of falling by the wayside, you can test the new flavored waters with added vitamins or protein. There are commonly only a few calories per glass. Within a couple of weeks, you will see a difference in your skin and your energy level!

As we all know very good, smoking has many terrible effects on us. But are you conscious of the fact that smoking doesn't merely increase your risks to suffer from diseases, it also ages you in some other ways. Smoking takes away your energy, it makes you cough, it makes you oftentimes sick and it causes wrinkles! If you smoke, you are destroying your skin. This is because smoking gives you wrinkles, dark circles below your eyes, yellow teeth and yellow skin. When you quit smoking, you will discover a difference in your skins texture and tone. When you have made up your mind to stop, it's really advisable to utilize a good body lotion that helps your skin to keep its resilience. Using a good moisturizer everyday to help cut back lines and wrinkles on your face, is another advisable thing to do. The last thing to advise is to purchase one of those fantastic products that can help you to whiten your teeth again.

When you have decided to quit smoking, you will benefit from all the positive effects. Like you've read before, you will determine a difference in your skin texture and tone within just a couple of months! You will also start looking younger, your energy level will increase and you will start looking and feeling better!

An excellent antiaging product such as PureLift Cream can be a wonderful supplement to your antiaging program and the decision to buy PureLift Cream can help you on your road to looking younger. You can take a look at Buy AminoGenesis 3 Piece Skin Care Kit and Buy ResVer XP for more information.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Average Price for a Tummy Tuck

When you are looking for a new computer or iPod it is simple to go online, or even to your nearest shopping mall, and compare prices.

It's not so simple for plastic surgery procedures such as tummy tuck. There is no one specific cost you can plan to pay for a tummy tuck surgery.

The only way you can determine the cost is to shop around to various surgeons, and see what prices they quote you after evaluating you for surgery.

One reason for the variation in costs of an abdominoplasty, tummy tuck, from one plastic surgeon to the next is that the procedure itself can vary in how much work is done by the plastic surgeon.

Generally, tummy tucks start at about $3000 and go up to well over $10,000 depending on the needs of the patient and the location of the surgery procedure itself.
Factors for Variance in Tummy Tuck Surgery Prices
Tummy tuck surgery prices can vary based on each of the following considerations:
* Your geographical location
* The type of procedure you require
* The surgeon's chosen charge for the procedure
* The competitiveness of the local market
* The surgeon's clientele's median income
* The costs of using the facility the procedure is performed in
* Any special needs you might have as a patient
* Whether or not your procedure is to be combined with any others such as liposuction or lifts.
The cost of your tummy tuck will be much higher if it will require an overnight hospital stay for recovery. Your tummy tuck will be less expensive if you will be having out-patient surgery and then going home once your anesthesia has worn off.

Additionally, if you will be having other surgical procedures performed at the same time your costs will be much higher for the additional surgery as well as the possible need to stay over night in a hospital to recover safely.

While shopping around for tummy tuck prices may seem like a real hassle, it is important to consult with more than one plastic surgeon and understand what all of your options are.
By doing this, you can get an idea on price, but you can also get multiple opinions on your plastic surgery options as well. While the lowest price you find may be a bargain, you should be leery of huge discounted prices.

Also, higher fees do not necessarily equate with the "best" surgeon. You should consider many factors besides price, when choosing a surgeon.

You want to pay a reasonable fee for your tummy tuck, it is important to be an informed consumer and understand exactly what you are being charged for and why. This will allow you to be happy with your decision and begin to look forward to how your new body will look post-operation.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Defining the Top Skin Cream

Would you define the top skin cream on the amount sold? Alternatively, would you define it as one that it is better known than other brands? Frankly, to me the best cream or lotion is the one that works the best and does not contain any chemical additives or synthetic ingredients. The mainstream or well-known large cosmetic companies do not manufacture many of the better products.

For my money, the top skin cream is one that comes from a company that does their own research and development and their own manufacturing. This way they have control over everything. In addition, they use only the very best natural ingredients that have been tested on human volunteers and proven to reduce lines and wrinkles.

Now, I am going to look at the natural ingredients you should be looking at in your top skin cream, not what marketing companies claim is the top.

However, first let's take a look at why we use these products. As we age, our skin develops lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. This is due to a loss of two vital skin proteins known as collagen and elastin. Collagen is a fiber like protein that gives our skin its structure. Elastin is a protein that provides elasticity. When we are younger, our bodies produce an abundance of these proteins.

However, as we age, our body stops producing these proteins. Thus, we need to apply a product that will help to stimulate the re-growth of these proteins. Thankfully, there are natural substances that will do this and they are found in some unique skin creams and lotions.

One of the most effective natural ingredients used is Phytessence Wakame. Unfortunately, you will not find this substance in the so-called top skin cream products. It is an extract from a specific type of Japanese sea kelp. It is rich in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidant properties. It helps to repair damaged skin and helps to stimulate the re-growth of the vital skin proteins.

In my mind, the top skin cream is one that contains specific natural ingredients such as Phytessence Wakame. For more information on this and other natural substances used in effective skin care products please take a minute and visit my website today.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

How to Look 10 Years Younger When You're Over 40

Nothing makes a person's self-esteem go through the roof like when they are told that they look younger than their actual age. This is particularly true for those who are already age 40 and over. Of course, some people naturally look younger, but a majority of people look younger due to a healthy lifestyle.

I have seen it in action myself. I have a family member in his mid-fifties who looks like he's in his mid-forties because he has discovered the power of eating right and strength training. He has been combining the two for years and it has paid off. Being at your ideal weight and having some muscular definition can do wonders for your appearance.

People will begin to take notice and they will ask you what your secret is and how they can do it too.

The key to stripping years off of your appearance is activity and healthy life choices. This means no smoking, minimal to no drinking (alcohol), and making wiser food choices 90% of the time. Physical activity can include anything that you enjoy doing from walking to bodybuilding.

While this all sounds simple enough, most people cannot do it on their own. Everyone needs guidance and a place to start. This is especially true for individuals who are age 40 and over because there are also mental hurdles to get over such as feeling "too old" to take charge of their health.

I found a great guide made for people over 40 that specializes in turning back the clock through weight loss and fitness.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chelation: A Therapy to be Adopted as a treatment without Any Confusion

A process used to dispose of all sorts of the detrimental substances present in the blood is known as chelation. Chelation treatment not only purges the toxins present in the body but also removes all the impurities from it. How Chelation heals has always been a key issue of debate and some points of disagreements have also been found in this regard. Nowadays chelation therapy is being adopted as a new method of healing diverse sorts of heart disease and a few other sorts of ailments and the best thing about it is that it is proving a substitute to the injected EDTA. Actually the oral chelation is taken in the form of pills.

In line with the scientists, just the 5% of the total amount of EDTA gets into the blood and the remaining 95% hang about in the body of the patients when they consume it orally.. The remaining amount of EDTA incessantly keeps soaking up the functional metals and minerals such as zinc, copper, chromium etc. from the assimilated foods and the body. As per the mechanism of EDTA, it doesn't allow the body to absorb more of metals and minerals.

At the same time, a person needs to be very careful, because the lack of these functional nutrients can lead to the deficiency of those required minerals which further gives rise to other health problems. At this point, the credibility of EDTA as pills is questioned by many. However, doctors still rely on the effectiveness of the chelation pills and prescribe their patients to go on the oral chelation.

Another issue connected with the chelation is the time taken by the EDTA in the excretion from the body. When a person is on oral chelation therapy, he/she has to continue the intake of the EDTA regularly for a long span of time. This regular intake keeps absorbing nutrients and minerals from the body, which in the long run causes the deficiency of essential minerals. So, several scientists and doctors generally prescribe taking chelation therapy in a conventional way, in which one has to take it not more than about a month. This short period doesn't allow EDTA to absorb a large amount of nutrients and thus help maintain the balance of essential elements in the body. Once the process of chelation is over, you will have nothing to lose but gain and gain in the form of good health.

On the whole, it can be said that chelation is a good way of removing the accumulation of harmful metals from the body, so one can adopt this therapy as treatment without any confusion.

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Benefits of Green Tea For Dieting - Does Green Tea Really Help You Lose Weight?

Green tea is an example of the most effective supplements that can be used to lose pounds and keep it off. There are a myriad of benefits of green tea for dieting. Here are what I consider the 5 top benefits of using green tea for dieting:

Enhances Your Metabolism
Did you know that tea is a natural source of caffeine? Caffeine will aid in raising your heart-rate, therefore, boosting your metabolism. A higher metabolism increases the quantity of calories that your body will burn.

Burns Fat Naturally
Your ability to burn fat is increased by the boost in your metabolism. You can boost your metabolism on a consistent basis simply by drinking or consuming green tea each and every day.

Helps Regulate Glucose
Green tea is a natural way for your body to control its glucose levels. After you eat a carbohydrate rich meal, your glucose levels have a tendency to fall quite sharply. As a consequence, you will feel a very strong need to get your body's energy levels up quickly. Your natural inclination will be to reach for an item rich in sugar content. You can dodge these cravings for sugar by drinking or consuming the tea, which will help to balance your glucose levels naturally.

Is An Excellent Appetite Suppressant
When you consume or drink tea on a constant basis, you won't feel as hungry between meals. Your appetite levels will begin to balance out and you will eat less food. This will permit you to lose more weight as you will not feel hungry all the time. In one fresh study, rats were injected with green tea. Those rats ate up to sixty % less food than the rats that were not injected with the tea.

Helps Reduce Calories
Here is one way that green tea decreases the amount of calories that you consume. If you simply substitute a cup of  tea for your morning coffee, you will still receive an identical quantity of caffeine. However, if you are like most people, you don't drink your coffee black. You load it up with sugar and creamer, adding extra, unwanted calories. So, you can get that same burst of energy and fewer calories by drinking tea. You may see a difference the next time you step on the scale with this one little substitution.
As you can see, there are many benefits of green tea for dieting. If you are on the lookout for a healthy way to naturally boost your metabolism, which will lead you to burn more fat and calories in the process, then please think about exploring this natural weight reduction supplement and see if it is best for you.
Would you like to experience the benefits of green tea for dieting absolutely FREE? Find out how you can get a free trial bottle of Green Tea Diet Pills at: http://GreenTeaDietarySupplement.info

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