Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Discover Why Omega3 Fats are Essential for Good Health and Where to Find the Best Sources

Author: Rich Hawkins

You have probably heard recently about the benefits of taking a daily fish oil supplement, and it is the omega3 fats they contain that provide these benefits. With over 85% of us being deficient in them it is vital that we increase our intake of this versatile oil.

The two most important omega3 fats are called DHA and EPA with DHA being responsible for most of the benefits, especially regarding heart and brain health. The other main one is called ALA but is not as useful and works in a different way.

They play a key role in a range of vital body processes from blood pressure and clotting to inflammation and immunity helping to save hundreds of thousands of lives.

Prevention of heart attacks and disease, lowering of high blood pressure and bad cholesterol, improved brain functioning and mental well-being, treatment of arthritis and prevention of breast and prostate cancer are among just some of the amazing and proven health benefits.

Omega3 fats are considered to be essential because our bodies cannot manufacture them, they must come from our diet.

One of the world's leading health experts recently said that consuming more omega-3 fats is probably the single most important dietary change that most people could ever make to improve their health, with 9 out of 10 of us not receiving enough.

Now we know how vital they are, what are the best sources?

Oily fish is the best but with only one portion a week recommended today due to the contaminants like mercury and lead, fish oils are the best solution.

In fact they are much better for you than eating fish as the best are purified and concentrated to give you all the benefits with none of the risk. Ensure any oil has been molecularly distilled to remove the impurities and contains high amounts of DHA omega3 fats to give you the maximum health impact.

Most have higher levels of EPA as it is cheaper to make so check the website or label with care and look for at least 250mg of DHA per capsule or gel.

The benefits of omega3 fats cannot be understated for living a longer and healthier life, potentially avoiding many of the serious diseases later on, while enjoying great health in the present.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

About the Author:

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high-quality fish oil. Discover the very latest and effective omega-3 fish oil supplements Rich recommends after extensive research

Article Source: - Discover Why Omega3 Fats are Essential for Good Health and Where to Find the Best Sources

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What is the Best Omega 3-6 Ratio for a Healthy Life?

Author: Rich Hawkins

Getting the right balance of omega 3-6 in our diets is essential today if we want to stay healthy as for most of us it is worryingly out of balance. Let me show you how to get that balance back.

Both omega 3 and 6 are essential fatty acids meaning we cannot produce them ourselves so they must be obtained from our diet instead.

However, most of us in the Western world have way too much omega 6 and over 85% of us are deficient in omega 3, putting our health at risk.

Omega 6 comes from foods such as meat, poultry, and eggs as well as nut and plant-based oils such as canola and sunflower oil with an improper balance of omega 3-6 with too much of the type 6 leading to inflammation and also contributing to the development of diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer and arthritis.

It is essential to cut down on those types of food while consuming more foods like nuts, flaxseed oil and oily fish.

The problem is that the fish are by far the best source of omega 3 yet we are only advised to eat one portion a week due to the contamination risk posed by high levels of mercury, lead and PCB's, so a quality fish supplement is the ideal solution.

You may be wondering what the optimal health enhancing ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 oils is.

The answer is 1:2 with the average being anywhere from 1:20 to 1:30 with our diets today, leading to many heart problems and premature deaths and showing why getting the omega 3-6 balance right is so important.

To get the very best fish oil you should look for high amounts of the DHA fatty acid as this provides most of the benefits and one that has been molecularly distilled to remove all the impurities the fish carry.

Consuming the optimal ratio of omega 3-6 oils is one of the best things you can possibly do for your health today.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA fish oil supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

About the Author:

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high-quality fish oil. Discover the very latest and effective omega-3 fish oil supplements Rich recommends after extensive research

Article Source: - What is the Best Omega 3-6 Ratio for a Healthy Life?

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Monday, July 6, 2009

How Important is the EPA Omega3 level in Fish Oil Supplements For Good Health?

Author: Rich Hawkins

With the huge popularity that surrounds fish oils, and quite rightly so, it is increasingly important to know about the relative DHA and EPA omega3 levels and what is best for your health.

These two are the most important omega3 fatty acids and it has been generally thought that it was the EPA omega3 that was the most important one.

Recent research shows us that while both are essential, it is the DHA levels that are responsible for most of the benefits, especially heart and brain health. Considering the adult brain is composed of 30% DHA fats it comes as no surprise how valuable it is!

They are both essential as our body cannot manufacture them, so them have to come from our diet. It is estimated that over 85% of us are lacking in these vital fats and with amount of fish we eat restricted because of the toxins they contain, a quality supplement is the answer.

Unfortunately most of the oils available are still EPA omega3 as they are cheaper to produce and many companies are looking at profit rather than what's best for the consumer plus they are not up to date with the latest research.

The ideal supplement should have twice as much DHA as EPA, at least 250mg per capsule of DHA and have been molecularly distilled to remove all the toxins and leave just the safe pure concentrated oil.

Currently the best source in the world is the Hoki fish from New Zealand's pristine Southern Ocean which is exceptionally high in DHA and exceptionally low in contaminants. These waters are said to be the cleanest on earth being so remote and untouched by pollution.

So in closing, while both are essential and must be present together, the DHA level is much more important than the EPA omega3 level if you want to enjoy the many amazing health benefits.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

About the Author:

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high-quality fish oil. Discover the very latest and effective omega-3 fish oil supplements Rich recommends after extensive research

Article Source: - How Important is the EPA Omega3 level in Fish Oil Supplements For Good Health?

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

How Can Omega3 Fat Help Me and What's the Best Source?

Author: Rich Hawkins

With everybody from the heart foundations to the government advising us to take the number one supplement, you have no doubt heard of some of the benefits of omega3 fat. However, with much research ongoing let me shed some light on many you perhaps aren’t familiar with and how to get the very best source.

Omega3 fat is the good polyunsaturated fat that we need to have more of and good sources are nuts, flaxseed oil, eggs, chicken and above all, oily fish.

The two important ones are called DHA and EPA with the third type ALA commonly from flaxseed oil affecting the body in a different way and nowhere near as useful as the other two. Despite what many claim, ALA is rarely converted by the body into the more useful DHA and EPA.

The reason they are labelled as essential is simply because our bodies cannot make them so they must come from our diet and with 85% of us being deficient in them, we are being robbed of the many health benefits.

Prevention of heart attacks and disease, lowering of high blood pressure and bad cholesterol, improved brain functioning and mental well-being, treatment of arthritis and prevention of breast and prostate cancer are among just some of the amazing and proven health benefits omega3 fat has to offer.

The very latest news is that it can slow or even halt age related eye disease (AMD) which affects many people over the age of fifty.

With our restricted fish intake due to the poisons they carry today like mercury, lead and PCB's, experts agree that the best solution is a daily fish oil supplement, but not all are created equal.

The best have undergone a process called molecular distillation to remove those harmful impurities and leave only highly concentrated safe oil.

Twice the amount of DHA omega3 fat compared to EPA is recommended for the maximum benefits, with at least 250mg of DHA per supplement.

Currently the best source is the Hoki fish from New Zealand as it has very low contamination levels and exceptionally high amounts of DHA.

I hope this article has shown you the tremendous health benefits that omega3 fat can provide and that you know how to select the safest and most effective supplements to start enjoying their many benefits without the risk.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA fish oil supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

About the Author:

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high-quality fish oil. Discover the very latest and effective omega-3 fish oil supplements Rich recommends after extensive research

Article Source: - How Can Omega3 Fat Help Me and What's the Best Source?

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pro Hormones Help In Building Muscles

Author: Alien

In this world in the present date the latest trend is bodybuilding. Each and every person wants to look good and very much attractive. One can very easily go to a gymnasium or to any fitness center for doing workout to get a very nice body. In building a very nice body both diet and also exercise are very much crucial. The diet must be full of nutrients and also must be balanced. To build muscle very fast there are present a number of diet supplements that can be very easily purchased from the medical stores.

One must work out each and every set and must repeat it till he/she feels that he/she is totally exhausted. If a person is not at all indulged in doing this then he/she will be in a big problem, as his/her body muscles will not adapt any kind of development and also improvement. Burning fats is the first and foremost thing to be done so as to get a good body. It is very much vital top take rest so taking at least a week off after three or four months of continuing the routine of workout so as to prevent over training and also excessive burnout of fats in the body.

One thing to be kept in while doing workout is to always have a short workout. Never do workout for more then an hour. To let and also to adapt your body to grow intensely, your body for sure needs to relax from the routine of weight training to recover back fully. All the above tips are really very much crucial for each and every person who wants to bui8ld his/her body. We all very well know that pro hormones are the blocks of testosterone. They are for sure the legal alternatives of steroid hormones.

One can get to know about the top prohormones reviewed from a very large number of various different sites on the Internet. They are very easily available in the market place all over the world and one can easily purchase them at very much reasonable rates. They are very truly converted into anabolic hormones by our own body from its precursor compound. Few of the very popular pro hormones available in the clinics are: 19-norandrostenedione, 5-androstenediol, 4-androstenediol, 1-androstenediol and many more. They for sure help in building up all the cells of the muscles of the body.

About the Author:

Bodybuildingfactory is one of the United States leading top prohormones reviewed website. First established in 2003, its mission is to become the number one site for primabol and order legal steroids online searches.

Article Source: - Pro Hormones Help In Building Muscles

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Supplements Help In Building Strong Muscles

Author: Alien

Each and every person living on this planet wants to get a very nice body. One can see a very large number of various different advertisements in the newspapers and also in the television about weight loss products and all that stuff. Almost all of them are incorrect. To get a very good body and also to build muscle mass one has to reduce his/her body fat down below almost around ten percent. Also if you want to get a very good body you can add supplements to your workout regimen.

The main reason behind this is that if you are over 35 then you cells will for sure be going through a phenomenon of destruction and then re-creation. You will truly be breaking your muscles down and then on a regular basis repairing them also. In order to get the repairing of all the build stronger cells, one will surely need to feed each and every cell, a lot of nutrients and help them all to enhance their ability to do a very nice work for you. If you worked out to burn fat and also to build up muscle mass, then you will for sure be investigating for all the various different supplements available in the market place.

The supplements are the answer of how to build muscle mass? In the market one can very easily find a large number o9f various different supplements to build muscle mass. Protein supplements are one such supplement that can very truly help one build up muscle mass. For all those people who are looking to get a very god body with very strong muscles, milk and egg are very much crucial. The main reason behind this is that egg and milk both have protein in them that helps build muscle mass and thus finally result in strong muscles.

If a person is middle aged then he/she must ingest more then six thousand calories each day so as to feed his/her muscles. Supplementation basically helps in supplying a very large number of various different essential nutrients and that too without any additional calories. Although there are available many supplements in the market place all over the world, but most of them impart some or even many side effects on the body of the person taking it. So it is difficult to choose the best supplement out of a number of various different supplements.

About the Author:

Bodybuildingfactory is one of the United States leading How to build muscle mass website. First established in 2003, its mission is to become the number one site for Bodybuilding Supplements and Natural Testosterone Supplements searches.

Article Source: - Supplements Help In Building Strong Muscles

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Diet Pill To Get Good Body

Author: Alien

In the market place all over the world there are available a very large number of various different diet pills. Also there are present a very large number of various different companies that are manufacturing the diet pills for bodybuilding. One of the diet pills that are very much famous among a very large number of people worldwide is the slimquick diet pill. This diet pill is packed with a program for exercise with a lot of information and also tips on how to use it in conjunction with a diet plan. The programs of exercise generally offer two main choices of cardio and also weight training designed for women. The best thing about the program is that it encourages both the high and also the low intensity muscle bearing exercises to make the metabolism very fast.

This technique is used by a very large number of fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders and even athletes who are really trying very much hard to slim down. This diet pill also very truly offers a chart of dosage that is very well scheduled so that the dieter can very easily adapt to the capsules. Two servings are included in each day. During the very first week the people who are indulged in taking this diet pill are expected to consume a single capsule for their very first serving and then one more capsule for their second serving.

The thing that needs to be kept in mind always by the people taking this diet pill is that it must be taken on an empty stomach and that too along with 8 oz. of water. This diet pill needs to be spread out over six hours and the minimum requirement is almost around one month. One must not take this diet pill in high quantity otherwise it can impart a very large number of side effects on the person using it.

This diet pill not at all contains any synthetic blends, natural ingredients and also powerful vitamins that might aid in weight loss. This diet pills has some side effects like elevated blood pressure and heart rate, anxiety, dizziness and also a range of few other side effects that are common and are linked with excessive use of caffeine. This diet pill is mainly designed only for women and might help in reducing PMS-related issues of diet and also cravings. Exercise must also be done to achieve good results.

About the Author:

Femnutrition is one of the United States leading slimquick website. First established in 2003, its mission is to become the number one site for best fat burners and hoodia diet pills searches.

Article Source: - The Diet Pill To Get Good Body

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Looking for best diet pills for women? Check this out!

Author: Alien

Slimquick is the world’s advanced fat burner medication designed especially for women. This formula is the outcome of years of research and has unmatched effects till date. No other product can reach the quality of ingredients found is each serving of Slimquick. It is designed to overcome the hormonal and physiological barriers women go through while losing fat. It is comprised of six complexes each aimed at losing fat through distinct mechanisms. Each container of Slimquick contains within it a free copy of recommended diet and exercise that help you reduce fat as soon as possible. Anyone who is looking to lose fat, try these Slimquick diet pills.

Slimquick comes in three variants. The Original slimquick is an effective fat burner designed exclusively for overweighed women. Slimquick Night is an advanced fat burner that is developed for use at nighttime. This formula promotes appetite suppression and weight loss without affecting a good night’s rest. Slimquick Extreme is clinically proven fat burner used to cut body fat. Apart from working on reducing body fat, Slimquick also provides energy. When you put yourself on a diet, your energy level is bound to decrease. The result is that you don’t feel like exercising anymore. Slimquick contains various ingredients and herbs that provide you energy throughout the day.

There are certain vitamins and minerals that are crucial to a woman’s metabolism and overall health. These include folic acid, calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin B-12.Due to this reason, Slimquick comprises of CYCLOVITE – a blend of these vitamins and minerals that support overall health and optimizes fat loss.

Slimquick is comprised of six essential complexes. The CYCLOVITE Vitamin & Mineral Complex is a blend of the certain vitamins and minerals required by women to promote fat loss. NUTRATHERM Thermo genie Complex works on increasing thermo genesis and metabolic rate. ESTROTRIM Hormone Balancing Complex support a proper hormonal balance to optimize reduce body fat storage, weight loss, control appetite and reduce PMS.CORTIFEM Stress Reducing Complex supports the reduction of several stress-related hormones, few of which are responsible for reducing muscle tone and increasing body fat in women. AQUAPLEX Water Removal Complex is responsible for reducing excess retention of water and bloating. XTEND Absorption and Time Released Complex delivers a normal dose of the ingredients and improves absorption of the Slimquick formula as well so that your metabolism is maintained throughout the day.

The Slim quick exercise and diet sheet (which comes with each pack of Slim quick) is full of relevant fat-loss information such as diet tips, Easy-to-follow nutrition suggestions, Sample diet program and exercises designed for a woman’s body.

About the Author:

Femnutrition is one of the United States leading slimquick diet pills website. First established in 2003, its mission is to become the number one site for diet pills for women and diet pills searches.

Article Source: - Looking for best diet pills for women? Check this out!

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